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Our Committee

Group Scout Leader: Graham Dredge -


Beaver Scout Leader: Vanessa Mather - 07941 501735


Cub Scout Leader: Nich Brown


Scout Leader:  Mark Warner; Scouting team: Jon Davidson, Chevonne Slade


Explorer Scouts - See a section leader for details of the nearest group.


Group Chairperson - Kirsten Webster -


Group Secretary contact Group Scout Leader


Group Treasurer - Sarah Robertson


Hall Hire: Vicky Graham - or 07523 430170


Group Committee Members - Klara Hudd, James Hillier


What we do


The thing is, the Group cannot run without a Committee. We exist to support the Group Scout Leader in meeting the responsibilities of their appointment, to safeguard the Charity’s finances and to bring our personal skills and judgement to provide sufficient resources for Scouting to operate, particularly by supporting fundraising activities, recruiting and promoting local Scouting.


We are especially in need of Parents that can inject new thoughts and ideas. As children grow up and move on, along with their parents, we are especially looking for help from any Beavers and Cubs parents, but parents of Scouts and Explorers are equally as welcome to help us.


So if you can help us, please get in touch with any of the Scouting Leaders – they all attend the Committee meetings. It would be great to get some help on board by the time of the AGM. Or if you are a little unsure yet, please come along to our next meeting  to see if this is for you. You are assured of a very warm and appreciative welcome.




WANTED – Section Assistants and Section Leaders


The role of Section Assistant is a formal appointment in The Scout Association. Section Assistants are adult volunteers who assist the Section Leaders and Assistant Section Leaders in delivering the programme to young people in Scouting. They may support one section, or different sections within a Group depending on where their help is needed.


A Section Assistant would usually be helping out at least once a month or more.


Section Assistants have the choice to become either Full or Associate Members of the Scout Association. A Full Member can wear a uniform if you wish, and will take the Scout Promise. An Associate Member can wear the uniform if they wish, but need not take the Promise.


Section Leader or Assistant Section Leader – well why not? Once you start to appreciate the opportunities you are able to give to our young members, you will be able to follow in the footsteps of our Leaders and the other Assistant Section Leaders currently here at 4th Salisbury.


As Leader you can arrange a water fight for the evening!



WANTED – parents to say “Yes, I can”.


The above opportunities not for you? How about saying ‘Yes’ when the call goes out for help in other ways and at other times.


Fetes & Carol Concerts need helpers – from manning stalls to washing cups. The Scout Post needs sorting and delivering at Christmas. Next time the request goes out, definitely remember to donate a bottle for the Bazaar. Little things like that are appreciated.


Or do you have a great hobby you can come and demonstrate with us one evening? Do you give group talks or demonstrations as part of your job that you could do for us. If you are a ceramic artist or an astronaut or a drummer, or anything else that can keep our young members entertained for an evening, please do let us know.


Please make a concerted effort to turn up at the following three events:


St George's Day Parade

The AGM / BBQ evening

The Group Carol Concert


Dates for all are announced well in advance.



Contact details for all Scout Group members on 

or see any Leader / Assistant Leader on section nights.



Many thanks,


4th Salisbury (Harnham) Scouts

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