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The Harnham Scout Group is dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive environment where young people can develop character, skills, and values that will prepare them for life. Our team is committed to delivering high-quality programs that promote teamwork, leadership, and outdoor adventure.

At the Harnham Scout Group, we offer a wide range of activities and experiences designed to help young people grow and learn. From camping and hiking to community service projects, our goal is to inspire the next generation to become confident and responsible members of society.



At Harnham Scout Group, we offer a wide range of activities and experiences for young people aged 6-18. Our dedicated team provides opportunities for personal development, outdoor adventures, teamwork, and leadership skills. We take pride in offering a safe and inclusive environment where young people can learn, grow, and have fun.

Our Scout Motto is Be Prepared. Here is our Welcome Pack for you to DOWNLOAD  and inwardly digest. It provides all the information that you, as a guardian/parent, should know to get the best out of your child's scouting experience. Otherwise please do not hesitate to contact our Group via email

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